建校年份 |
2000年 |
学校官网 |
http://www.nordangliaeducation.com/our-schools/boston |
学校地址 |
416 Pond Street, Boston, MA 02130 |
所在州 |
马萨诸塞州 |
电话 |
617-522-2261 |
邮箱 |
anique.seldon@bisboston.org |
校园面积 |
40英亩 |
班级大小 |
17 |
校友基金 |
– |
宗教关系 |
非宗教学校 |
走读:K- 12 | 类型:混校 | 位置:城市 | ESL:没有 |
学费:$34,590 | 人数:414 | 师生比: 1:6 | 国际生: 40% |
AP数:0 | 寄宿比例: N/A | 高学历教师:20% | SAT:1840/2400 |
申请截止日期 |
Rolling |
电话 |
617-522-2261 |
Email: |
anique.seldon@bisboston.org |
其他接受的成绩 |
总数 39
changing termly | chess | cooking |
dance | debate | drama |
Drama | Duke of Edinburgh | film |
German | golf | many more |
Model United Nations 模拟联合国 |
newspaper | robotics |
sailing | sports | student council |
Student Media Team | Yearbook chess | cooking |
dance | debate | drama |
Drama | film | German |
golf | many more | newspaper |
robotics | sailing | sports |
Yearbook 年鉴 |
changing termly | Duke of Edinburgh |
Model United Nations 模拟联合国 |
student council | Student Media Team |
总数 10
Basketball 篮球 |
Cheerleading 啦啦队 |
Cross Country 耐力跑 |
Indoor Soccer 室内足球 |
Mountaineering 山地运动 |
Climbing 攀岩 |
Rugby 英式橄榄球 |
Soccer 足球 |
Swimming 游泳 |
Tennis 网球 |