建校年份 |
1947年 |
学校官网 |
http://www.unis.org |
学校地址 |
24-50 FDR Drive, New York, NY 10010 |
所在州 |
纽约州 |
电话 |
212-684-7400 |
邮箱 |
admissions@unis.org |
校园面积 |
– |
班级大小 |
24 |
校友基金 |
$32/人 |
宗教关系 |
非宗教学校 |
走读:K- 12 | 类型:混校 | 位置:城市 | ESL:有 |
学费:$39,770 | 人数:1570 | 师生比: 1:13 | 国际生: 90% |
AP数:0 | 寄宿比例: N/A | 高学历教师: 82% | SAT:1276/1600 |
申请截止日期 |
Rolling |
电话 |
212-684-7400 |
Email: |
admissions@unis.org |
面试方式 |
Skype,在校面试 |
总数 52
A better education | Adopt a band | All india women’s and children’s organization |
Asian culture club | Chess club | Creative writing club |
Debate society | Environmental club | Ghana microfinance club |
Girl power | Girls in Tech | Gofresh |
He for she | History club | Italian culture club |
Japanese club | Junior United Nations of calligraphy | Kids for Uganda |
Language exchange club | Law club | LitMag |
Math club | Model UN | Neel Bagh |
Nepal club | New music club | Outdoor adventures |
Oxfam UNIS division | People for ALS | Philosophy club |
Photography club | Physics club | Prevention and awareness of cancer |
Project Rousseau | Reaching education and caring about native Americans | Refugee crisis club |
Robinhood | Rubik’s cube | Science club |
Sexuality and gender awareness | Shining hope for communities | Student council |
Teen tech NY | UNIS for UNICEF | UNIS human rights club |
UNIS kids in need | UNIS Korean club | UNIS-UN |
UNISVerse | UNISFeed | Yearbook 年鉴 |
Youth for Literacy |
总数 8
Baseball 棒球 |
Basketball 篮球 |
Cross Country 耐力跑 |
Soccer 足球 |
Softball 垒球 |
Tennis 网球 |
Track and Field 田径 |
Volleyball 排球 |